
Monday, January 14, 2013

Initiative: Overcomer

Pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. Romans 14:19

Meditate on good things. Think about it…
are you busy Overcoming? If not, stop whining.

Overcoming is about victory over the conflicts we face. An overcomer is a warrior who battles no matter what task is ahead. Are you busy overcoming or busy complaining why you can’t?

Already, we are two weeks into 2013. Bipartisan compromise eventually led to the successful end of the fiscal cliff stalemate, yet we are inundated with other issues that demand attention. 

Surrounded by headlines, messages, a diversity of people and options require decisions, plans and strategies or at least an attempt to peacefully address the situation. Some have civil discussions, some rant, some ignore, some do nothing. But more and more people are now getting involved in issues affecting their state, their communities, their families and themselves.

One of the hot debates to overcome is the gun control issue, which has now engulfed headlines, airwaves and conversations. Filled with misinformation, misunderstanding and miscommunication, a rising, divided public outcry demands action.

Keeping citizens safe is the highest priority of the U.S. President. Based on this premise, overcoming aligns with the biblical mandate of peace for the benefit of the country. As Romans 21:12 states, seek to overcome evil with good.

According to CNN Money, Dick's Sporting Goods suspended the sale of certain semiautomatic rifles from its 511 stores in 44 states, and WalMart took down a listing on its site advertising Bushmaster, a semiautomatic assault rifle.

As directed by President Obama, overcomer Vice President Biden has met with numerous groups, law enforcement agencies and NRA representatives to uncover possible solutions that can aid in the decision-making process on the most appropriate mutually beneficial steps to take.

A local media outlet reported last week that while a youth slept, someone shot about 15 bullets into his home, nearly missing his head. One bullet penetrated and injured his shoulder. Another youth playing video games in his own room said he would have been shot if he were standing up instead of sitting down. The entire room was bullet-ridden, including the Jerseys that hung on his wall. The perpetrator used a high-powered rifle to shoot about 15 bullets through the walls of the house and into the house next door. The neighbor interviewed said it sounded like a bomb had gone off. 

What’s next…grenades? Law abiders do have a right to bear arms, but what arms? Life is too short as it is. Certainly, everyone has a deadline of when they will breathe their last breath. We just don’t know when or how. So, why hurry others and yourself to the grave?

There is only one truth to help us become overcomers…God. Live right. Do right. Make a positive difference NOT havoc. 

So the question remains:
are you busy Overcoming?

Moses, who was jolted out of his comfort zone by a burning bush, became busy leading Israelites to the Promised Land.

David, who stepped out on faith, killed Goliath with a rock and became busy leading as King of Israel.

Jesus Christ, King of Kings, was busy teaching the new covenant, performing miracles to set himself apart as the true Messiah, encouraging people to seek the Kingdom of Heaven and died for us so that we may be saved. 

Led by God, they were all overcomers.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)

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