
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Initiative: Fiscal Cliff, Part 2...A call to Congress


Congress:  “…we need a balanced, bipartisan approach…the new reality is that uncertainty = inaction…They need to get stuff done!” – Mayors Michael Nutter (D) and Scott Smith (R), during CNN interview after The White House meeting last week.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, in divisible with liberty and justice for all.”

Patriotism…love or devotion to one’s country. Yes, the common denominator we have is love. I hope we all love our country and want what’s best for it. I realize that politicians and special interest groups take advantage of crucial situations such as the fiscal cliff to advance their own agenda. But if we all focus on actions that show patriotism, perhaps those actions may include making the right decisions for the benefit of our country.

Put aside selfish ambitions. Remember, authority of elected officials should depend on the consent of the people. We spoke when we voted you in to get the job done. That means coming together to strengthen our country.

Instead of results, we get GRIDLOCK.

As our representatives, instead of political posturing and bickering, please exemplify our “pledge of allegiance” to the world. Instead of selfish ambitions, promote a common agenda for the benefit of the country, pleasing in the sight of God.

Although we’re starting to see movement toward a compromise, confidence in your ability to avoid this country from falling off the tax cliff by year-end remains questionable for now. In an 11/26/12 Millionaire Corner article, nearly two-thirds (62.5 percent) of affluent investors surveyed do not believe a fiscal cliff resolution will happen before the deadline. A Gallup poll indicated public confidence in Congress recently decreased from 21 percent to 18 percent. Bruce Stokes, special to CNN World, indicated last week that “just over half of the public does not think President Obama and the Republican members of Congress can reach an agreement to avert going over the cliff.”
Regardless of political debates and disagreements, let’s keep our eyes on the goal of strengthening our country, i.e., strengthening the weak. In this case, the disappearing middle class who now ranks among the “near poor.”

Pew Charitable Trusts reported findings of a brief from the Economic Mobility Project: “In many ways, families in high-poverty neighborhoods were already experiencing their own hard times before the official downturn, making any additional losses that much more harmful to their economic prospects. 


Message to Congress: Understand the realities of how your decisions will impact ways to move this country forward. Work together for the good of the people…with liberty and justice for all.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4 NIV


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